Aijuka Blair

  • Assistant Warehouse Manager
  • Logistic & Transport
  • Member Since, July 12, 2023

About Aijuka Blair

  • Academic Level  Degree Bachelor
  • Industry
  • Years of Experience  5



  • World Food Programme2021 - Present

    Assistant Warehouse Manager

    • Effectively received and dispatched commodities against official approved documentation ensuring accuracy in physical count of commodities including the quality in compliance with the established standards in LESS systems • Monitored condition of the warehouse facility and commodities and take appropriate actions, to support efficient warehouse space-planning and well-organized commodity storage following WFP warehouse standards • I have participated in CBT- Market price monitoring through market price monitoring in markets -Rhino camp • Maintained a comprehensive filing system for auditable records for all procurement and warehouse documentations • Followed up on disposal of spoilt food authorizations, monitored execution and ensured the documents (destruction certificate) are kept for audit purposes for the disposed food items • Maintained clean and pest free storage commodities conditions and mitigated commodity losses through physical counts, random weight, and sorting • Kept updated records on stack cards, tally sheets, waybills and food release notes, computer inventory lists for food to aid stock reconciliations and audits through timely and accurate positing in LESS • Performed daily inspections and prepared reports on the quantity and quality of the commodities received, dispatched and handled and prepared warehouse reports to supervisor. • Maintained clean and pest free storage commodities conditions and mitigated commodity losses through physical counts, random weight and sorting • Kept updated records on stack cards, tally sheets, waybills and food release notes, computer inventory lists for food to aid stock reconciliations and audits

