Florian Rwegoshora

  • Administration and Management
  • Member Since, June 16, 2023

About Florian Rwegoshora

  • Academic Level  Degree Bachelor
  • Industry Management


  • Kiswila Mineral Co ltd2017 - 2019

    HR manager

    I have effectively managed to; • Establish, maintain, and improve active and regular working relationships among employees, (over 100 employees). • Serve as a link between management and employees by handling questions, interpreting and administering contracts and helping resolve work-related problems. • Analyze and modify compensation and benefits policies to establish competitive programs and ensure compliance with legal requirements. • Perform difficult staffing duties, including dealing with understaffing, refereeing disputes (CMA), firing employees, and administering disciplinary procedures. • Plan, direct, supervise, and coordinate work activities of subordinates and staff relating to employment, compensation, labor relations, and employee relations. • Analyze training needs to design employee development, language training and health and safety programs.

