Nasry Ally

  • Human Resource Specialist
  • Administration and Management
  • Member Since, June 19, 2023


  • FARM AFRICA2021 - 2021

    Intern Human Resource Officer

    Reviewed source documents and listings to compile resources for identifying and correcting data allocation issues. • Developed information extraction and monitoring practices based on up-to-date InfoSec standards. • Organized, sorted and checked input data against original documents. Scanned documents and saved in database to keep records of essential organizational information. • Monitored database updates and verified for correctness. • Collect daily, weekly or monthly timesheets. • Calculate bonuses and allowances. • Prepare employees' compensation by the end of each month using payroll software. • Schedule bank payments or hand out paychecks directly to employees. • Distribute payment statements and gather signed receipts (digital or paper) • Evaluated source documents to locate needed information. • Sent completed entries for evaluation and final approval.

  • UNICEF TANZANIA2021 - 2022

    MACHAMPION Program Coordinator

    Supervised team members and oversaw effective and efficient completion of job duties. • Set performance goals for individual team members and created reward systems and contests. • Distributed necessary tasks and duties during each shift. • Quickly and efficiently resolved complaints and escalated issues. • Used coordination and planning skills to achieve results according to schedule. • Conducted research, gathered information from multiple sources and presented results. • Built strong relationships with customers through positive attitude and attentive response


    Intern as Human Resource Assistant, and Administrative

    Identified issues, analyzed information and provided solutions to problems. • Prepare Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents • Proofread HR documents including audits, marketing information, and handbooks. • Complete and mail out regret letters • Send background checks to HR Plus and save results when they are returned • Gathered, arranged and corrected research data to create representative graphs and charts highlighting results for presentations. • Verified accuracy and validity of data entered in databases to correct errors. • Interviewed or administered standardized tests to research subjects to collect data. • Worked with customers to understand needs and provide excellent service.


    SUPPORING STAFF (Protocal Officer)

    Developed team communications and information for delegation meetings. • Developed exceptional attendance record with special attention to punctuality and preparation to work upon arrival. • Worked with Foreign affair office to understand requirements and provide exceptional protocol service. • Actively listened to customers, handled concerns quickly and escalated major issues to supervisor. • Worked within applicable standards, policies and regulatory guidelines to promote safe working environment.


    SUPPORTING STAFF (Protocal Officer)

    Developed exceptional attendance record with special attention to punctuality and preparation to work upon arrival. • Serving during meeting • Welcoming delegate from different county to Tanzania. • Helping ministers in different meeting activities • Demonstrated respect, friendliness and willingness to help wherever needed. • Developed team communications and information for meetings. • Resolved problems, improved operations and provided exceptional service.


    Human Resource and Administrative Assistant

    Recorded meeting minutes to provide historical account of actions, measure progress against strategic plan and drive accountability. • Set up conference rooms, technology and materials to facilitate meetings. • Executed record filing system to improve document organization and management. • Maintaining employee records (soft and hard copies) • Assisting in payroll preparation by providing relevant data, like absences, bonus and leaves • Manage department’s telephone center and address queries accordingly • Prepare reports and presentations for internal communications • Provide orientations for new employees by sharing on boarding packages and explaining company policies

  • M.S.Meghji Ltd, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania2018 - 2018

    Administrative Office Assistance

    Produced highly accurate internal and external letters and memoranda. • Prepared packages for shipment, pickup and courier services for prompt delivery to customers. • Created and updated physical records and digital files to maintain current, accurate and compliant documentation. • Greeted incoming visitors and customers professionally and provided friendly, knowledgeable assistance. • Delivered top-notch administrative support to office staff, promoting excellence in office operations. • Sorted, opened and routed incoming correspondence and deliveries to help senior leaders respond quickly to business and customer requirements. • Answered incoming phone calls pleasantly directed calls to appropriate personnel. • Interacted with customers professionally by phone, email or in-person to provide information and directed to desired staff members

  • Serengeti Breweries Limited, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania2016 - 2016

    Data Officer

    Conducted thorough research using diverse resources to assist professional staff with routine and special project tasks. • Tracked and recorded open and closed orders and change requests to prevent errors, keeping all team members aligned with current demands. • Prepared and distributed team-based communications to foster collaboration and enhance team morale. • Completed multiple tasks simultaneously to optimize project completion. • Interacted with vendors, sales and professional services personnel to receive orders, direct activities and communicate instructions. • Created and updated physical records and digital files to maintain current, accurate and compliant documentation.

